A magical meteor crash-lands in Adventure City, gives the PAW Patrol pups superpowers, and transforms them into The Mighty Pups. When the PAW Patrol's archrival Humdinger breaks out of jail and teams up with a mad scientist to steal the powers for themselves, the Mighty Pups must save Adventure City and stop the supervillains before it's too late.
1h 45m
Director: Cal Brunker
Cast: Christian Convery, Mckenna Grace, Taraji P. Henson, Kristen Bell, Lil Rel Howery, James Marsden, Finn Lee-Epp
Genre: Animation
Director: Cal Brunker
Cast: Christian Convery, Mckenna Grace, Taraji P. Henson, Kristen Bell, Lil Rel Howery, James Marsden, Finn Lee-Epp
Genre: Animation
A magical meteor crash-lands in Adventure City, gives the PAW Patrol pups superpowers, and transforms them into The Mighty Pups. When the PAW Patrol's archrival Humdinger breaks out of jail and teams up with a mad scientist to steal the powers for themselves, the Mighty Pups must save Adventure City and stop the supervillains before it's too late.
Bangor Mall Cinema 10
, ME
557 Stillwater Ave.
Bangor, ME 04401
Showtimes for Friday October 11, 2024
There are no showtimes currently scheduled
Please check back at a later date.
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