When Kevin Garner meets a nefarious adversary known as The Benefactor and refuses his offer of wealth and power, he must escape an alternate totalitarian reality. With survival on the line, Kevin fights to make it back to the world he knows and the woman he loves.
2h 5m
Director: Brock Heasley
Cast: Sean Astin, Neal McDonough, Elizabeth Tabish, Jason Marsden, Paras Patel, Emily Rose, Nolan North
Genre: Science Fiction
Director: Brock Heasley
Cast: Sean Astin, Neal McDonough, Elizabeth Tabish, Jason Marsden, Paras Patel, Emily Rose, Nolan North
Genre: Science Fiction
When Kevin Garner meets a nefarious adversary known as The Benefactor and refuses his offer of wealth and power, he must escape an alternate totalitarian reality. With survival on the line, Kevin fights to make it back to the world he knows and the woman he loves.
Bangor Mall Cinema 10
, ME
557 Stillwater Ave.
Bangor, ME 04401
Showtimes for Thursday September 12, 2024
There are no showtimes currently scheduled
Please check back at a later date.
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