In a society devastated by the effects of an all-out war between heroes and villains, a mysterious giant fortress suddenly appears, engulfing towns and people one after another. Then, a man reminiscent of All Might, the "symbol of peace," stands in front of Izuku and his friends...
Cast: Judy Greer, Pete Holmes, Molly Belle Wright, Lauren Graham, Sebastian Billingsley-Rodriguez, Kynlee Heiman, Matthew Lamb
Director: Dallas Jenkins
Genre: Comedy
The Herdmans – Gladys, Claude, Imogene, Leroy, Ollie and Ralph – are undeniably the worst kids in the history of the world. They lie, steal, cheat, bully and overall terrorize their small community. But this Christmas, they’re taking over their local church Pageant – and they just might unwittingly teach a shocked little town the true meaning of Christmas.
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